Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How u lvl up so fast in mh?!?!?

The question of the week. Isnt really much of a question since it isnt that hard to answer. me got time to waste, thats it. And for those people that dont have, dont feel sad, ur not missing out on much.

Monday, August 10, 2009

10th August 2009

Public holiday over so quickly...most of my tests done i guess but i still have math n geog. geog never fails to give me trouble. plate techtonics and all that weird stuff really confusing. next week is probably gonna be way better though, but then again the only thing to look forward to is after the end of year exams. still waiting for your questions to come and until then, bubu (its not my fault if u dont get it)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5th August 2009

Since I have no idea what to post about, ill let YOU decide!! From now on, YOU will can decide by posting a question on the tagboard :D. If the question makes sence and is not too personal,hard,or gay then i'll try my best to answer it. Ill still be posting other crap if I have anything to post about that is not boring.

Monday, July 27, 2009

27th July 2009

Today I am going to talk about a facebook app-mousehunt. If you're my new classmates, you probably know what its about. If you're my old or some random peeper then im guessing you dont. Many say its a rather pointless game as you stare at a screen, waiting 15 minutes just to click on a rather ulgy horn that pops out of no where. It doesnt even make scence, its called hunters horn and with the amount of people playing it, i can only see mice running away from the area from all the noise. But thats not the point, its addictive i have to say, just sounding the horn every 15 minutes in hopes of getting a 'better' virtual mouse on facebook. I cant really put my finger on what i like about the game but im guessing i just want to beat the rest and catch all the mice available (omfg i tot u said ash was a beachface) well anyway i still want to catch them all. I wont ask you to play it but i just want you to know that the main reason why im blogging now is cuz im waiting for the horn to pop out(wtf? why does that noob fag keep losing the horn). And my birthday is srsly on 17th. And can the fags stop posting crap on tagboard. Im just telling all you non mousehunters not to mousehunt ever srsly...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

26th July AGAIN

Which part I like best in "Village by the sea"
Im not too sure i really liked any part of the book, but i got to say that I was really bored reading the first part. The part at Bombay was probably the most exciting part in the book but I've seen much better plots than this. Another thing I didnt really like about the book was that it all seemed really fake to me. I mean what are the chances of having a neighbour that will kill your dog!?! That part was quite sad, in fact most of the parts about Hari's father being a drunkard and did'nt work all day long made me feel like some kids really DID have all the luck. But then again its just a book and when I read it i did'nt like it. But i guess maybe some of you did, everyone's different anyway.

Country rat or city rat?
Actually when theres a country like Singapore then country rat definitely. But I got to say many countries out there are not like Singapore, in fact, Singapore is really good. Unlike Bombay in the book Village By The Sea, you rarely see beggars nowadays or people selling coconuts on the street. It is also very unlikely to find a job in an old shop for poor people now. So if the country is Singapore, ill choose country rat but if its Bombay...i would choose otherwise.

My favourite character in 'Village By The Sea'.
Hari!! Not only do I like his courage, I also like his strength and perseverance. In the story, he sort of wanted to "defend" Thul from the factories.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

26th July 2009

Hmm just changed my blog skin obviously. Still doesnt have room for comments though so ill probably change it again soon.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Today i learnt that there are three different types of rocks. Sedimentry rocks are one of the kinds of rocks. Fossil eveidence can be found in sedimentry rocks. They usually show layers, and can be breaked easily. The second type of rock are Igneous rocks. They have an even grain, and have an interlocking mosaic of mineral crystals. Most igneous rocks do not have an evident sign of fossils. The smaller the grains on a igneous rock, the quicker it took to cool them. The last type of rock is the metamorphic rock. They are formed from both sedimentry and igneous rock, they change into metamorphic rock. They have visible crystal and they are often wavy and not flat. They are certainly an interesting sort of rock to find.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!

The word "ashamed" being repeated was probably a hyperbole as in expresses how the person in the room felt about the person that owned the room. Mainly, the rest of the poem is filled with metaphors as the poem is over exagerrated to show how messy the room was.

I liked this poem because it is very exagerated and quite funny. It is obvious to us that there is no room can actually be this messy having one ski under the TV and things like that are almost unreal. I also liked it because he kept saying in the poem that whosever room it was should be ashamed and how his room had become so messy that he does not even know that is was his room anymore. Another reason why i like this poem was because of the way he kept saying "his" and "he" but it finally turned out to be himself he was refering to.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

28th May 2009

Since T have not be posting for almost ever but not ever since if it was ever ill be dead, T will now TRY to post at LEAST twice a week AND one of them will be about a new story about DotA yay!

Monday, April 20, 2009

21st April 2009

I have made the following changes to the blog:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today was my english CT(common test). It was O.K. just that i didnt finish the essay. Im supposed to scream now right....ok..AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Im going to fail are'nt i. Its ok, im used to it -.- More tests ahead...GiGi well give me her blessings.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Feeble attempt to post

Ok i shall post as requested =). We all love to play games, am i right?? Well too bad this post is not about games. English Common Test tommorow, in other words, im going to die tommorow. Ok, i just thought of what i can post about today! I am going to post about GiGi! For those of you who dont know who she (or it) is, she is my cat. As always shes sleeping right now, REALLY WEIRDLY though. If you have seen her before, you would definitely agree with me that she is cute...AND she sleeps really weirdly at funny places in funny postures which in this case is-like a human on the sofa. If shes not on the sofa shes on the carboard.. or anywhere else as a matter of fact. Main point is she eats really little (How did we come to that??). Shes not fat which is sorta bad.. we ALL like garfield dont we? Garfield is fat.. and fake ?.? So GiGi is thin, like me! Shes really picky in food.. she doesnt eat food that has been in her plate (or floor =)) for more than 30 mins(wow thats worse than me!) so now i have came up with a new feeding method!(Im so proud!) I force it in! Nah just joking i still havent found out yet..x.x Shes basically white with brown on some patches and she only crawls on your lap when shes hungry.(How cunning) But usually i crawl(walk actually) to her and sit beside her. Shes really furry and doesnt scratch or bite (not until she wakes up =O). So you can just stroke her fur until your hands are warm and then run away as fast as possible. But overall, shes a really good cat!

Monday, April 13, 2009

13th of April

Long time no see! Or in this case read =.=". Ok i have no idea what i am going to post but im going to try to anyway. Here i go...well i am bored. Things i do when im bored-
1)Nothing =)
2)Something?? =|
3)Go to youtube or tubeme =O and type in anything
4)Making random lists of crap
5)Coming up with faces ?.? (Why would anyone do that)
6)I have no idea
7)Thats about it
8)Dont you think this is getting weird
9)I better stop crapping now

Ok that was a failure of a post but its a post anyway.Why?Simple because posts are just longlong lines of blahblahblah. This is too so i think it qualifies. Dont tell me its boring. I dont think anyone comes to my blog anyway =(. Are you still reading?
Well why are you still reading this is a waste of your time! OK ur creeping me out stop reading already! I said stop! If you read till here u probably feel like attacking me for this. Ok this is the end go to sleep now. I said go to sleep! Stop reading already. Ermm? Why are you still reading?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Today i am going to talk about my CCA--Polevault!!! Dosnt the name sound like fun already?? Well it definitely is! Not only does it allow you to train your body, it also lets you have fun while doing it! Personally i think that all the people there in pole vault are cool =) They also let us drink bubble tea while having training! Although it is really long but at least i have fun doing it. That is what we should have in a CCA!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

News paper report

Title: "Nuisance callers dial up a 999 logjam"-pg B5 of 23/2/09 Straits Times

During the reading period we were given the Straits Times to read and an article caught my eye. Mostly it is because of a comic strip on top of the article which i found was quite funny but sadly according to the story is true. Basically the comic was about prank callers that call 999 for their so called "fun" but their fun causes others to suffer. These people clot up the whole line for the real people in trouble that may need assistance immediately. I think that we should be more considerate and only we should only call 999 when
1)If a crime is in progress.
2)If a criminal suspect is close by, or you know where the person is.
3)If a further crime may happen.
4)If someone is badly hurt or is in danger.
5)If you detect dubious characters and incidents, or spot suspicious parcels left behind at public areas.
to prevent the hotline to get clogged up.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

PL--------------- vs--------------Spectre
Stat gain-----6.8>6.1
Spirit lance------>Spectral Dagger

Phantom Edge------=Desolate???

Dopplewalk--------< Haunt
Start item
Blade-------------Stout Shield
Kenneth just drew first blood!
Tianern pwned Kenneth
Kenneth pwned Tianern
Kenneth pwned Tianern
Tianern pwned Kenneth
Tianern pwned Kenneth
Tianern pwned Kenneth (Killing Spree)
Tianern pwned Kenneth (Dominating)
Kenneth has left the game (Lose)
16mins(end game)
------------------Stout Shield>

Thursday, January 29, 2009

29th January

Yesterday i went to watch a movie called red cliff2 and it was very nice. We decided to watch it because we watched part one at our cousins house and it was good.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

25th January

My grandmother was discharged from the hospital today after 3 weeks! My mother and I sent her home after she was discharged and we had a reunion lunch at her house after that. After that we watched 3 movies--Mamamia( ok thats kinda lame but the music was ok)Red Hill which was nice and forgot what the last one was called( yes im forgetful=) ). The lunch was delicious too! After like 7 hours (yes i know) we came home.

Friday, January 23, 2009

23rd January

Today's school chinese new year celebration was great! There were many performances by the school wushu, chinese orchestra and lion dance troupe. We also had some fun games and there were no lessons! We were let off at 10 o'clock.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

22nd January

This is my first time blogging. Today was a tiring day but im glad that we will finally have a chance to rest as the new year holidays are coming and i am happy that HwaChong gaives an aditional day to the chinese new year break. Here comes the angpaos! =) Here is some recipe to make pineapple tarts (this is not a food blog) but its written by my brother so i am going to post it here.

Joo’s Pineapple Tarts
Makes more than 45 tartsPineapple Jam:Use 500g crushed(just use a knife then slice and dice, if you crush the pineapple, the strands of fiber in the pineapple will remain in one long string)/grated pineapple (pineapples that are hard enough to be grated are not that sweet…I think..), 300g of sugar(makes it as sweet as it was in the batch I made), and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to a boil. Let it simmer for as long as it takes for jam to thicken. (I took about 20 minutes, but I think that is because I kept turning up the flame until the mixture started boiling then I turned it down again, remember to keep using a spoon to stir the pineapple-lemon-sugar mixture) When most of the liquid has evaporated, put in one tablespoon of normal flour and mix it with the mixture thoroughly, then just leave it there until its at room temperature.
Pastry/Base:1. Sift 450g plain/all-purpose flour and 30g milk powder together. Make sure they are well mixed.2. Put 250g butter, 120g icing sugar and 1 egg (beaten together with about 1/2 tsp salt) in mixer and beat until sugar is just dissolved ( we did not have a mixer so we just used a really big spoon and kept mashing the ingredients together.3. Add flour and milk powder and mix until dough holds together. (It may look crumbly but that's okay. Pressing it well during rolling will do the trick)4. Preheat oven to 150 degrees C.5. Beat 1 egg in bowl for glazing (apparently it gives the top part of the pineapple tarts a brownish look (you probably already knew that but…just saying))6. Roll out dough to about 0.5cm thickness. Press out dough with tart or cookie cutter and put one pinch, (around the volume of 1.75 marbles) of pineapple filling in centre.7. Bake for about 3-4 minutes; remove from oven and glaze pastry with beaten egg. Bake for another 4-5 minutes.

Ok…that’s “my” recipe for pineapple tarts. Adapted from: