Monday, July 27, 2009

27th July 2009

Today I am going to talk about a facebook app-mousehunt. If you're my new classmates, you probably know what its about. If you're my old or some random peeper then im guessing you dont. Many say its a rather pointless game as you stare at a screen, waiting 15 minutes just to click on a rather ulgy horn that pops out of no where. It doesnt even make scence, its called hunters horn and with the amount of people playing it, i can only see mice running away from the area from all the noise. But thats not the point, its addictive i have to say, just sounding the horn every 15 minutes in hopes of getting a 'better' virtual mouse on facebook. I cant really put my finger on what i like about the game but im guessing i just want to beat the rest and catch all the mice available (omfg i tot u said ash was a beachface) well anyway i still want to catch them all. I wont ask you to play it but i just want you to know that the main reason why im blogging now is cuz im waiting for the horn to pop out(wtf? why does that noob fag keep losing the horn). And my birthday is srsly on 17th. And can the fags stop posting crap on tagboard. Im just telling all you non mousehunters not to mousehunt ever srsly...

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