Tuesday, February 24, 2009

News paper report

Title: "Nuisance callers dial up a 999 logjam"-pg B5 of 23/2/09 Straits Times

During the reading period we were given the Straits Times to read and an article caught my eye. Mostly it is because of a comic strip on top of the article which i found was quite funny but sadly according to the story is true. Basically the comic was about prank callers that call 999 for their so called "fun" but their fun causes others to suffer. These people clot up the whole line for the real people in trouble that may need assistance immediately. I think that we should be more considerate and only we should only call 999 when
1)If a crime is in progress.
2)If a criminal suspect is close by, or you know where the person is.
3)If a further crime may happen.
4)If someone is badly hurt or is in danger.
5)If you detect dubious characters and incidents, or spot suspicious parcels left behind at public areas.
to prevent the hotline to get clogged up.

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