Monday, April 20, 2009

21st April 2009

I have made the following changes to the blog:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today was my english CT(common test). It was O.K. just that i didnt finish the essay. Im supposed to scream now right....ok..AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Im going to fail are'nt i. Its ok, im used to it -.- More tests ahead...GiGi well give me her blessings.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Feeble attempt to post

Ok i shall post as requested =). We all love to play games, am i right?? Well too bad this post is not about games. English Common Test tommorow, in other words, im going to die tommorow. Ok, i just thought of what i can post about today! I am going to post about GiGi! For those of you who dont know who she (or it) is, she is my cat. As always shes sleeping right now, REALLY WEIRDLY though. If you have seen her before, you would definitely agree with me that she is cute...AND she sleeps really weirdly at funny places in funny postures which in this case is-like a human on the sofa. If shes not on the sofa shes on the carboard.. or anywhere else as a matter of fact. Main point is she eats really little (How did we come to that??). Shes not fat which is sorta bad.. we ALL like garfield dont we? Garfield is fat.. and fake ?.? So GiGi is thin, like me! Shes really picky in food.. she doesnt eat food that has been in her plate (or floor =)) for more than 30 mins(wow thats worse than me!) so now i have came up with a new feeding method!(Im so proud!) I force it in! Nah just joking i still havent found out yet..x.x Shes basically white with brown on some patches and she only crawls on your lap when shes hungry.(How cunning) But usually i crawl(walk actually) to her and sit beside her. Shes really furry and doesnt scratch or bite (not until she wakes up =O). So you can just stroke her fur until your hands are warm and then run away as fast as possible. But overall, shes a really good cat!

Monday, April 13, 2009

13th of April

Long time no see! Or in this case read =.=". Ok i have no idea what i am going to post but im going to try to anyway. Here i go...well i am bored. Things i do when im bored-
1)Nothing =)
2)Something?? =|
3)Go to youtube or tubeme =O and type in anything
4)Making random lists of crap
5)Coming up with faces ?.? (Why would anyone do that)
6)I have no idea
7)Thats about it
8)Dont you think this is getting weird
9)I better stop crapping now

Ok that was a failure of a post but its a post anyway.Why?Simple because posts are just longlong lines of blahblahblah. This is too so i think it qualifies. Dont tell me its boring. I dont think anyone comes to my blog anyway =(. Are you still reading?
Well why are you still reading this is a waste of your time! OK ur creeping me out stop reading already! I said stop! If you read till here u probably feel like attacking me for this. Ok this is the end go to sleep now. I said go to sleep! Stop reading already. Ermm? Why are you still reading?