Thursday, January 29, 2009

29th January

Yesterday i went to watch a movie called red cliff2 and it was very nice. We decided to watch it because we watched part one at our cousins house and it was good.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

25th January

My grandmother was discharged from the hospital today after 3 weeks! My mother and I sent her home after she was discharged and we had a reunion lunch at her house after that. After that we watched 3 movies--Mamamia( ok thats kinda lame but the music was ok)Red Hill which was nice and forgot what the last one was called( yes im forgetful=) ). The lunch was delicious too! After like 7 hours (yes i know) we came home.

Friday, January 23, 2009

23rd January

Today's school chinese new year celebration was great! There were many performances by the school wushu, chinese orchestra and lion dance troupe. We also had some fun games and there were no lessons! We were let off at 10 o'clock.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

22nd January

This is my first time blogging. Today was a tiring day but im glad that we will finally have a chance to rest as the new year holidays are coming and i am happy that HwaChong gaives an aditional day to the chinese new year break. Here comes the angpaos! =) Here is some recipe to make pineapple tarts (this is not a food blog) but its written by my brother so i am going to post it here.

Joo’s Pineapple Tarts
Makes more than 45 tartsPineapple Jam:Use 500g crushed(just use a knife then slice and dice, if you crush the pineapple, the strands of fiber in the pineapple will remain in one long string)/grated pineapple (pineapples that are hard enough to be grated are not that sweet…I think..), 300g of sugar(makes it as sweet as it was in the batch I made), and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to a boil. Let it simmer for as long as it takes for jam to thicken. (I took about 20 minutes, but I think that is because I kept turning up the flame until the mixture started boiling then I turned it down again, remember to keep using a spoon to stir the pineapple-lemon-sugar mixture) When most of the liquid has evaporated, put in one tablespoon of normal flour and mix it with the mixture thoroughly, then just leave it there until its at room temperature.
Pastry/Base:1. Sift 450g plain/all-purpose flour and 30g milk powder together. Make sure they are well mixed.2. Put 250g butter, 120g icing sugar and 1 egg (beaten together with about 1/2 tsp salt) in mixer and beat until sugar is just dissolved ( we did not have a mixer so we just used a really big spoon and kept mashing the ingredients together.3. Add flour and milk powder and mix until dough holds together. (It may look crumbly but that's okay. Pressing it well during rolling will do the trick)4. Preheat oven to 150 degrees C.5. Beat 1 egg in bowl for glazing (apparently it gives the top part of the pineapple tarts a brownish look (you probably already knew that but…just saying))6. Roll out dough to about 0.5cm thickness. Press out dough with tart or cookie cutter and put one pinch, (around the volume of 1.75 marbles) of pineapple filling in centre.7. Bake for about 3-4 minutes; remove from oven and glaze pastry with beaten egg. Bake for another 4-5 minutes.

Ok…that’s “my” recipe for pineapple tarts. Adapted from: